Tuesday 16 February 2010

The other "completed" project for 2009 is this "fantasy bust".

He was actually started in late 2007 as part of a "group sculpting project" on The Basement. A chap called Roy Hunt was the inspiration behind the sculpt - he's posted a head sculpt on the site and I thought "I could try that". So I did, using Super Sculpey Firm - the first time I'd tried the stuff.

By 2008 I'd finished the sculpt, but he was unpainted. I took him to the World Expo 2008 in Girona, the best model show I've been too, and got some useful feedback on the sculpting, but on returning to the UK, he went into a cupboard destined to be one of the multitude of unfinished projects we all have......

Not long after the Expo, we got the news that Roy had died. Such incredibly sad news as the man had been a consistent presence at shows across the UK, always with a friendly smile and a firm handshake, and excellent adive and constructive criticism. We're all still missing him today.

So I felt that I had to finish this piece as a Tribute to Roy - the sculpt is a bit ropey in places but I was really pleased with the painting:

He's a photo from Girona......thats me on the left, Roy next to me, Ronnie Preston and Mike Blank

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the Modelling Blogoshpere Rob. Very nice bust. It was nice to have a close look at it at Milton Keynes.

